Endowed in perpetuity by the Glenna Luschei Fund for Excellence



Minal Hajratwala

Goat curry tickles the rice
dryly. Styrofoam

lips lock tight, mirthless
cold stales in. Refrigerator hums

on & off, engine firing up
like jealousy. Decoy emotion

leaking from nostrils,
mixed mucosa of transference,

borrowed glory, grief.
Orange juice, granola crumb,

green M&M behind ottoman:
that party was four months ago. I still find

your tiny curls. On the road
elbow into horn, myofascial rage—

I never thought I could hate you
like this.

Reading someone else’s diary
in newsprint, sudden tears.

What I feel to keep myself
from feeling.

Memory of beignet.
Powdered sugar on black cuff.


Minal Hajratwala is the author of the award-winning nonfiction book Leaving India: My Family’s Journey From Five Villages to Five Continents and editor of Out! Stories From the New Queer India. From her home bases in Bangalore and San Francisco, she is assembling a speculative poetry-based manuscript on behalf of the unicorns of the ancient Indus Valley.

Minal Hajratwala