Endowed in perpetuity by the Glenna Luschei Fund for Excellence

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Page out of a dead shoe’s diary

Page out of a dead shoe’s diary

By Lillian Aujo

Later on in my life I would come to know
If I wasn't stowed away in the mildewed closet
Where my skin would be caressed by sticky cobwebs-
Those minion clammy hands dampening my spirit

I would be stacked body to body with others my kind
Surrendered  in cockroach infested boxes
Where we would sing or pray
For a stroll out on an airy sunny day

It would begin with a rough buff here
A brute brush there
To go where my master willed
Until my spine was worn to a sliver
And I became just another shoe

And cold wings would sing my eulogy,
My prayer forever lost
In the unturned pages of my diary


Lillian Aujo

Lillian Akampurira Aujo is a Ugandan writer. She likes to think of herself as a lover of words and expression. She writes poetry and fiction. Her work has appeared in the Revelator magazine, Bakwa magazine, Suubi (African Writer's Trust), Talking Tales (FEMRITE), Summoning the Rains (FEMRITE), A memory this size (Caine prize anthology 2013), and in Jalada with her longlisted story "Where pumpkin leaves dwell." She's also the inaugural winner of the BN Poetry Award 2009 with "Soft Tonight."

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