Table of Contents
Judith Kitchen - Three essays
Carole Simmons Oles - Twenty-one poems, from A Selected History of Her Heart
Steve Stern - The Ballad of Mushie Momzer, story
Mark Rudman - The Vendor of Sayil, poem
Jenny Factor - Scenes Abroad and four other poems
Kara Candito - Two poems
Natalie Diaz - Four poems
Jean Janzen - Cloud of Dust, poem
R. T. Smith - Red Jar, story
Maria Mazziotti Gillan - I Am Sitting at the Table and one other poem
Jan Freeman - Two poems
James Smith - The Boathouse, poem
Dale M. Kushner - Marilyn: Norma Jeane Screaming, poem
S. L. Wisenberg - Sticks, story
Martha Silano - Two poems
Marcia Southwick - Four poems
Susan M. Gilbert-Collins - Anxious, story
Patricia Kirkpatrick - Two poems
William Reichard - Two poems
Dian Duchin Reed - Three poems
Patrick Durgin - Three poems
Josip Novakovich - Sobaka, essay and fable
David Ray - Two poems
Anis Shivani - love belongs to those who do the feeling: New and Selected Poems (1966–2006), Judy Grahn
Sarah Salter - Notes from No Man's Land, Eula Bliss
Poor Man's Provence, Rheta Grimsley Johnson
Carrie Shipers - Immortal Sofa, Maura Stanton
Carrie Shipers - Famous Last Words, Catherine Pierce
Cartographies, Uncollected Poems 1980–2005, Maurya Simon The Opposite of Clairvoyance, Gillian Wegener