
So You Wanna Win a Book Prize?

“Inhabiting three different landscapes at once”: An Interview with Laura Woollett

Coda to Interview with Kate Southwood

Alberta Clipper 10/13/15: “Listening to the Paint” by Rachel Dacus

“With a Bit of What I’m Sure the Kids Don’t Call ‘Tude’”: Q&A With Justin Taylor

So You Want to Submit to a Literary Journal

Briefly Noted – October 7, 2015

So You Wanna Win a Book Prize?
Laura Woollett Named 2015 Summer Nonfiction Contest Winner
Prairie Schooner is pleased to announce that Laura Woollett is the winner of the 2015 Summer Nonfiction Contest, judged by Rigoberto González, for her essay “Working Girl.” Woollett will receive a prize of $250, and her essay will appear in the Spring 2016 edition of Prairie Schooner. Laura Elizabeth Woollett lives in Melbourne, Australia. She …