Women and the Global Imagination

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Women and the Global Imagination: To Unravel the Knot

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Eavan Boland

Women and the Global Imagination: The Global Suburb

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Women and the Global Imagination: The Isle of Exile

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Women and the Global Imagination: Just a Few Old Girls on Boats

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Women and the Global Imagination: Making Room for The Girl

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Women and the Global Imagination: Turkish Women’s Poetry

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In our Winter 2014 issue Alicia Ostriker curated a poetry portfolio on Women and the Global Imagination, and we were so struck by its contents that we wanted to keep the dialog surronding this theme going on our blog. In her essay, Müesser Yeniay explores Turkish poetry across a large span of time, from the …

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Women and the Global Imagination: Alaska Girls

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Women and the Global Imagination: Girl

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Women and the Global Imagination: Our Imaginary Sisters and Daughters

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