

I worked at a residential mental health facility for children. I was part of the Native American unit that mostly managed Indian children.

Resident Adam, 16, was from the Klamath/Modoc tribe. His father was in prison, mother was an active substance abuser. Meth. Adam lived with his grandparents until he started alcohol and marijuana and not going to school. The grandparents could no longer manage him. Adam was on parole and referred to behavioral health therapy.

He was for the most part mature for his age. Other youth residents looked up to him. When other clients were triggered and had to be managed through the disruption, put in safety holds, Adam would not tie in with them. He stayed where the staff told him to stay. He eased the other residents by staying calm, distracted them by playing board games.

Adam said he never played baseball. The unit had a few baseball gloves. On scheduled free time I played catch with him. I showed him where the ball was to be caught in the mitt. We researched different throws and tried them. He got the feel of throwing and catching quickly. He was happy when we had one-on-one time, throwing the ball back and forth. He liked playing catch with me more than other staff because I could throw the ball fast and hard, and I could catch his fast throws.

"I never played 'catch' with my father," he said one day, as free time finished.

After he and the residents played scheduled video game time, Adam refused to leave the room when the time came to an end. We shuffled the other clients out and secured the room. Adam stayed. He yelled at staff and threatened violence. We called the county police. The police entered the property. Adam had a pencil in his hand. The police told him to drop it. He refused and yelled at the police with closed fists. The police tased Adam. He was on the ground in fetal position until the EMTs assisted him. Adam was removed from the property and placed on subacute. He broke parole and was discharged to the Oregon Youth Authority.

Afterward, the residents refused to use Adam's favorite baseball glove.