
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul—that what the words and actions don’t belie, the eyes will. The eyes are the keys to the secrets of the self, that intangible sum of the individual that we call the soul. Since childhood, my art has focused on the eyes—in my work, the eyes (or an eye) have always dominated, drawing the viewer to a thing that looks back at him or her. Secrets are exchanged in a glance. What is she thinking? Why is he sad? Look at his eyes.

Photo of Shirin Sadeghi

About the Author

Shirin Sadeghi is a journalist, international jazz singer, and artist. Her art focuses on abstract portraits in oil pastel, oil paint, and pen. She also dabbles in cartooning. Her art has been displayed worldwide including in the United States, UK, India, and Iran. She sings in ten different languages and has performed throughout the world with different international artists from the Middle East, South Asia, and Latin America. She is currently a contributor on Middle Eastern and South Asian affairs for Newsweek.