
3:33 Sports Short #2 // The Overnight

3:33 Sports Short #1 // Three Poems for Super Bowl Champ Peyton Manning

“I write for the people who come before me and the people who might come after”: an interview with Fatimah Asghar

“Rooms full of people waiting to hear something beautiful”: An interview with poet Katie Bickham
Special Sports-Themed Winter 2015 Issue A Home Run
The Winter 2015 edition of Prairie Schooner is now available and arriving in subscribers’ mailboxes. This sports-themed issue, guest-edited by poet Natalie Diaz, features poetry, fiction, and essays from Sherman Alexie, Eileen Myles, Porochista Khakpour, Meghan O’Rourke, Afaa Weaver, Danez Smith, Chip Livingston, Ada Limon, Terrance Hayes, and more. In the essay that opens the issue, …
APBF Furthers Poetry Library Initiative with Second Book Shipment
The African Poetry Book Fund, in partnership with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries and Prairie Schooner, has sent its second shipment of nearly 1750 books and journals to its five partner poetry libraries in Africa. Each of the five reading libraries, located within existing community and arts centers in the Gambia, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, and …

So You Wanna Win a Book Prize?

Literature in Conflict: Children’s Literature in World War Two