
“Discovery makes the recollection worthy of being recounted”: An Interview with Jerald Walker

Celebrating Women In Translation!

“Lived in the Half-Light, the Twilight”: An Interview with Ted Kooser

When each fall comes, I fall in lines
2020 Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Book Prize Contest Winners Announced
Prairie Schooner at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has announced the winners of its annual Prairie Schooner Raz-Shumaker Prize for poetry and short fiction collections. The winners were chosen from more than 1,200 submissions from around the world. The Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Fiction for 2020 goes to Kristina Gorcheva-Newberry for her manuscript What Isn’t Remembered, chosen by guest-judges …
Summer 2020 Issue Now Available
Summer in Nebraska is a season of storms—of heat and thunder and lightning. Our Summer 2020 issue opens with a rumble in a set of four new poems from Martín Espada. In “Boxer Wears America First Shorts in Bout with Mexican, Finishes Second,” hooks answer jabs, and Lightning Rod—in his red, white, and blue “border …
2020 Prairie Schooner Award Winners Announced!
Thanks to generous supporters of the literary arts, Prairie Schooner was able to award eighteen writing prizes totaling $9,500 for work published by established and emerging writers in 2019. Maurine Ogbaa of Houston, TX, received the $1,500 Glenna Luschei Prairie Schooner Award for her story “The Men in Her Life,” published in the Winter 2019 …

“Monsters are replaced by monitors”: an interview with Jaylan Salah