
P(rivate)S(paces) w/ Mary O'Donnell

P(rivate)S(paces) w/ Mary O’Donnell

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"How Like a Winter" by Kelli Russell Agodon

From the Archives: “How Like a Winter” by Kelli Russell Agodon

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The Ireland Issue

Cover Preview: The Ireland Issue

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Our 2011 Pushcart Prize Nominations!

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We submitted Pushcart Prize nominations yesterday! Congratulations and best of luck to our nominees: “Counting Sheep” by Linda Pastan, a poem from the Fall Issue. “I’ll Tell You about Speaking In Tongues” by Roxanne Beth Johnson, a poem from the Spring issue. “Early Explorer’s Journal” by Desiree Alvarez, a poem from the Fall issue. “Peach” …

Theodore Wheeler

The Blog and Social Networking Editor

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Hali Sofala

Our New Book Prize Coordinator

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Marianne Kunkel

Removing the Interim Tag

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