Congratulations to Richard Graham!
Congratulations are in order for PS guest blogger Richard Graham, whose book Government Issue: Comics for the People: 1940s-2000s has been nominated for an Eisner Award, otherwise known as the “Oscars of the Comics Industry”!
Richard is up against some illustrious competition, including Will Eisner himself! The results in all categories will be announced on July 13 at Comic-Con International in San Diego. You can see the full list of nominees here.
Of this honor, Richard says, “I’m humbled to have my work included in the same category as Will Eisner and Al Jaffee. While my publication’s quality will ultimately be judged by its readers, it’s an honor to be recognized by those in the comics profession. I thought I had reached cloud nine when Sid Jacobson agreed to write the foreword [to the book], but to be up against Will Eisner himself for an award named after him has brought me to dizzying heights.”
Richard blogs about UNL’s, Nebraska’s, and the larger literary world’s connections with the comics medium. Check out his previous posts on Clay Wilson and comics in Prairie Schooner.
Richard, our fingers are crossed!