
The Liberal Arts

In mathematics they say the most beautiful solution is the correct oneIn physics they say everything that can happen must happenIn history they say the more it changes the more it is the same In astrophysics you take the long viewIn chemistry you explode and blend, it is a bit like freestyle cooking, the Yiddish …

Oil and Myrrh

How she’d never hear the sound of her own humming There would be musicmade only from machinesthe monotone piercingan electronic originationnot from the hands of humansor the skins of animals In the name of the Father We tell ourselves differentlybut there are only two worlds She could not take the same breath we taketo recreate …

The Interview

I shuffe past the school’sfortified metal. Guards frisk me as I approach, ask me to leavemy name, phone number, time of day; why I’m here in a book.I think default procedure. Maybe, I’m heartenedby their arm’s gesture, how not one pats me down;says, this way, madam. Maybe this is the way a mind deadensto what …

Dad 3

                    Stories my dad told me, but I could never figure outwhich ones. All mixed up for a kid like me, wide-eyed, sleepy head.Some Southern dialect from Puglia mostly;a rugged countrysidedotted with confino ghosts,scarred memories,reporting each morning il posto di polizia,and then the day was yours basking in the sunof your morning …

Ode to the Penis

Someone told me that what I writeabout men is objectifying. So I ask you,O general idea of the penis, do you mindbeing noticed? You who stand, in the mind—erect and not, old and young—for all your representations, O abstractprinciple, haven’t you maybe beenwaiting for your turn to be sung? I thinkyou’re lovely and brave, and …


I meant no disrespect to my body.Sleepless, I made my way to the outdoor showerhard rosebuds of insect bites rising. VitaminB, lavender oil, tea tree oil, Benadryl, nothing helped& nothing made me less of a feast to the predawnmosquitoes & fleas. Long ago I held a mesh bagseething w/ ladybugs, my first sense of wealth,all …

High School Yoga

Miss, can you play this song today in yoga class?            I’ve been thinking about the story you told us last weekand the question you asked . . . If we are Krishna, Arjuna and everything what does it matter? I couldn’t go to Five Points for the quinceañera    not that she was a close friend …


Death has always had a prominent place in my mind. . . . I’ve come close at least fifty times.Dennis Rodman All we want is to never die, but God loves mostthe man who offers what he cherishes. In ‘93 they found you asleep in your carwith a loaded rifle in your lap. You said …

Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman’s Daughter Got Her Period on TV

and thought she was dying. I was in Algebra–-my period an axiomnot on cable–-shamed by the red flame on rags betweenmy legs. I got mine the week before baseball tryouts,thought I was sick with dark slick shit, not eggs. Dr. Quinn on TV and me, shamed by the red-ragged flame. Betweenmy math-mad, baseball-coaching dad asking, …