Vault Items

Translating Translation: Finding the Beginning

Poem for the Atomic Age
The Broken Jug by Octavio Paz
Summertime is often sweltering in Nebraska. July of 1962 was no different. With daily highs in the upper 90s, a poem that features flames, torches, candles, and fire was especially appropriate for the season. Octavio Paz’s “The Broken Jug” was published in the Summer 1962 edition of Prairie Schooner. Its mention of solitude, however, was …

Steal Small

The Party
The Harp of Wales by Tennessee Williams
During December 1949 in Lincoln, Nebraska, the temperature dropped to a low of 1.9 degrees F and the wind picked up to a maximum speed of 26 MPH. There were daily reports of rain and melting snow. That same season, Prairie Schooner published in its Winter 1949 issue Tennessee Williams’s poem “The Harp of Wales.” …