
Current Issue

Spring 2024 Volume 98 Number 1

Featuring a portfolio of Editor’s Picks selected by Kwame Dawes, this issue features work by Jordan Walker, Aracelis Girmay, dg okpik, Marilyn Chin, Omar Sakr, Sahar Mustafah, Laura Da’, Ọlákìtán Aládéṣuyì, E. J. Koh, Patricia Jabbeh Wesley, Ed Roberson, Alicia Ostriker, Avee Chaudhuri, Jennine Capó Crucet, May-lee Chai, Nathalie Handal, Charif Shanahan, Kevin Simmonds, Matthew Shenoda, Valzhyna Mort, Myronn Hardy, Maurine Ogbaa, Denise Duhamel, and Julie Marie Wade.

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I twist and spin in the depths / never needing air / never needing land / or possessions except this / life undeniably mine
Click here to read the poem in full

African Poetry Book Fund

The African Poetry Book Fund promotes and advances the development and publication of the poetic arts through its book series, contests, workshops, and seminars and through its collaborations with publishers, festivals, booking agents, colleges, universities, conferences and all other entities that share an interest in the poetic arts of Africa.

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