Alberta Clipper

Alberta Clipper: 6/27/18: “On Friendship and Maxine Kumin” by Alberta Arthurs

Alberta Clipper 9/29/15: “Well, Millstone, Cistern, Cliff (1892)” by Steve Lautermilch

Alberta Clipper 8/18/15: “The Telephone of the Dead” by Goldie Goldbloom

Alberta Clipper: 7/7/15: “Intermediary” by Pattiann Rogers

Alberta Clipper: 6/30/15: “Shifting Winds” by James C. Kilgore

Alberta Clipper 5/19/15: “The Land of Atrophy” by David Citino
Alberta Clipper 4/21/15: “For Johannes Edfelt” by David Ignatow

Alberta Clipper: 3/31/15: “The Sweetest Journeys Home Are in the Mind” by Dan Jaffe
Alberta Clipper 3/17/15: “Dream: Catching the Air” by Carolyn Kreiter-Kurylo
On March 17, 1988—a fairly warm day for Lincoln, NE reaching a high of 43 degrees—Carolyn Kreiter-Kurylo published her first poem in the Prairie Schooner Spring issue titled “Dream: Catching the Air.” In a poem of memories revived while dreaming, Kreiter-Kurylo fondly recalls how “Always before bed, / you read Light In August/ or Les …