
So You Wanna Win a Book Prize?

So You Wanna Win a Book Prize?

So You Wanna Win a Book Prize?

On The Winner of the 2017 Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Poetry

“We’re all constantly messing up and all constantly changing”: an interview with Andrea Gibson

“That writing should challenge readers with the most difficult truths”: An Interview with Heather Johnson

“Amid all the dreams and anxieties”: A Debut Novelist Roundtable, Pt. 2

“The truth, but not the whole truth”: A Debut Novelist Roundtable, Pt. 1
Heather Johnson Wins 2017 Summer Nonfiction Contest
(photo by Catherine Anne Hubka) Prairie Schooner is pleased to name Heather Johnson the winner of the 2017 Summer Nonfiction Contest, judged by Esmé Weijun Wang, for her essay “Nowhere Place.” Johnson will receive a prize of $250, and her essay will appear in the Spring 2018 edition of Prairie Schooner. Heather Johnson …