Vault Items

When We Were Through


Lying on the Driveway Studying Stars

Thirteen More Ways of Looking at a Blackbird
The Birth of Ulysses by Marvin Bell
The fall of 2008 featured particularly rainy months, netting more than four inches of precipitation above average, including one of Lincoln’s ten wettest Octobers on record. During this soggy autumn, Marvin Bell’s “The Birth of Ulysses”—a poem later nominated for a Pushcart Prize—was featured in Prairie Schooner. by Tory Clower The Birth of Ulysses Marvin …
Coleridge’s Laundry by Maxine Kumin
Breaking a drought dating back to 1999, Nebraska’s Platte River reached “flood stage” in late May of 2008. July in Lincoln was fairly hot, with temperatures up to 10 degrees above the average high, but August was mild and September was cooler than normal. Maxine Kumin, the United States Poet Laureate of 1981-82, was published …

Fresh Start: Staining the Pool Deck

Swimming Upstream
All the Rage by Gabriel Spera
According to a study of the Midwest conducted by the Illinois State Water Survey, the summer of 2004 had a disproportionately high number of clear days. In Lincoln, the departure was 110% above average! Strangely enough, all those clear days added up to a summer that was about four degrees cooler—and with precipitation of two …